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Sunday Liturgy: 10:00am

In English

Mission and Vision

Our Vision

“Where there is no vision, the people perish.” Proverbs 29:18

Live the authentic Faith as a family of missionaries

At St. Mary we believe that: The strength of the Church is measured by missionaries not by followers.This vision inspires our hearts and derives through prayer and contemplation, focused on our community life, to grow together in Christ’s love, accordance to the Holy Scriptures, our Holy Catholic, Apostolic Church. This life is not only for ourselves but for outreach to others.

Our Mission

“The Mission Of St. Mary The Theotokos Church is to live and proclaim the faith of the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Orthodox Church that Jesus Christ had established in Antioch where the disciples were first called Christians (Act11: 26)”

This sacred mission is fulfilled in St. Mary the Theotokos through the following expressions of ministry:

† A worship Ministry which claims nurturing the faithful through regular participation in the sacred services and Holy Mysteries of the Church.

† An educational ministry which endeavours to educate and inspire the faithful through the Sacred scriptures and Holy Tradition of our Church.

† An outreach ministry (BTH) which fulfills the command of Jesus Christ to reach out to the sick, needy to serve the least of our brethren, and spread the Gospel (the good news) to the local area.

† A fellowship ministry which provides a variety of opportunities for all members of the parish to share in activities with one another through healthy cultural, social and educational events that reflect the life, faith and heritage of the community.

† A stewardship ministry which engenders the faithful dedication of the time, talents and treasures of parishioners in support of the ministries of the Church to the Glory of God.

† Goals and Projects to be Adopted

† Goals are the outcomes expected from pursuit of the mission and in the fulfillment of the expressions of ministry. The goals are stated as long-term expectations of the community and are best achieved through projects and activities. Projects and activities are the specific steps or actions to be taken by the community in the pursuit of any particular goal. While the projects and activities are general, there is enough clarity for a committee to proceed and enough flexibility to succeed. Projects and activities are fluid and short-term in length.

† Goal: Inspire parishioners to actively and regularly participate and become involved with reverence in the liturgical life of the Church.

† Project: Emphasize and maintain the Treasures of Orthodoxy through strengthened participation in feast days, Holy Week and other special services.

† Project: Enhance regular communication of upcoming services.

† Project: Continue and expand the emphasis on children’s and others involvement.

† Project: Introduce opportunities for active parishioner involvement in worship (chanting of liturgical hymns and participating in the sacraments).

† Goal: Provide ongoing educational and study programs in the Holy Tradition, Scriptures and history of the Orthodox Church for all parishioners and prospective members.

† Project: Offer specialized study programs to meet the needs of specific parishioner groups, both youth and adult.

† Project: Make available to all parishioners printed material on a regular basis, explaining the hymns and prayers unique to particular services.

† Project: Equip the Church school program with up-to-date materials.

† Goal: Maintain an active outreach ministry.

† Project: Create a missionary sub-committee and an annual agenda.

† Project: Encourage and provide for the involvement of parishioners and parish groups in official mission programs of the Church.

† Project: Provide regular support of local area programs for the needy.

† Goal: Embrace and welcome new members and renew the participation of lapsed members.

† Project: Sponsor “New Member”, “Welcome Back” and “guest’s Sunday” events.

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